The Wisdom of Old Vines

The Wisdom of Old Vines

by Westgarth Wines June 19, 2019

The labeling of a bottle with “Old Vines” is meant to connote an upgrade in quality, and yet few places actually have codified standards as to what makes a vine elderly. One thing most do agree on is that the lower yield of older vines tends to make wines of greater concentration and complexity. Others tout developed root systems and their relationship to soil and the earth’s fungi found in routing deeply. One region that has actually put standards in place Old Vines is Barossa, where vines can be labeled as Old, Survivor, Centenarian or Ancestor. Sadly, in the name of commerce less productive vines are often grubbed up, making it hard for older vines to stand a chance. Read on for more on the pros and cons of older vines!

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