The Blends of the Best Wines

The Blends of the Best Wines

by Westgarth Wines August 30, 2019

Blending different varieties can serve a handful of purposes in the winery. Sometimes grapes are blended to create balance and complexity. Other times, planting and using a variety serves as insurance against poor harvests. Being able to blend can also create a signature house style, as is the case in Champagne where blends are often comprised of different varieties and vintages. Despite the United State's propensity for labeling varietally, if you buy fine wine from abroad you are probably purchasing blends fairly frequently. Bordeaux, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Port, and Chianti are usually blends. Click through to learn more about what grapes make up these wines!

Related article: Wine Enthusiast

photo: @champagnevilmart

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