New Rules

New Rules

by Westgarth Wines April 10, 2020

The New York Times delved into how the pandemic COVID-19 has affected our views on drinking at home—especially when alone. There has been stigma about it in the past, and true, wine is a beautiful thing that is elevated when you are spilling a drop with friends. But much as no one should feel shame in consuming a delicious dinner by oneself, so should it be with wine, particularly when paired with a meal! The article encourages wine as a meditation of sorts—take your time with that glass and think about what you are drinking ! Without the convivial distraction your senses may be elevated! Of course, don’t think that you have to finish that bottle—If you purchase fine wine you can eek it out over the course of a couple of days and it should be fine. These are tough times—no need to deprive yourself of yet another of life’s pleasures.

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