Is Tariff Trouble Ahead?

Is Tariff Trouble Ahead?

by Westgarth Wines October 09, 2019

A document with a list of food and beverage items to receive a 25% tariff increase was released including everything from French, Spanish and German wines to gourmet cheese and Greek yogurt. How this will increase sales remains to be seen. A price hike is likely, as retailers will need some way to offset the costs. This may mean an increase not just in wine, but on items not subject to the tariff, so as not to hike prices on any one item too steeply. Another possibility is that retailers will look to increase their selection of non-tariffed items. The aftershocks of Trump's tariffs remain to be seen, but it wouldn't be a bad time to stock up before they go into effect!

Related article here

Photo @d._eden


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