Buy Bordeaux Early, Save Later

Buy Bordeaux Early, Save Later

by Westgarth Wines May 10, 2017

Some would argue that buying en primeur is silly when there are Bordeaux on the market, ready to drink and at the same price. But if you buy fine wine, how can you be sure of provenance, particularly in this era of counterfeit wine? The best way to assure you’re getting what you pay for is to buy when it is still in barrel. Plus, the five wines suggested for your 2016 en primeur purchase here are in very limited quantities, and collectable. In the coming years their price will be even higher, and it will be harder to know if you are getting the real thing. Click through for the suggestions!

Related Link: Avoid The Counterfeits Down The Line, And Buy These Bordeaux 2016 Wines Now

photo: NICOLAS

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