Bordeaux Blah or Bordeaux Beauty?

Bordeaux Blah or Bordeaux Beauty?

by Westgarth Wines March 04, 2019

Some people choose to regard wine as the winemaker’s masterpiece, as opposed to being a product produced to please the public. Citing an interview with Christian Moueix, former manager of famed Bordeaux chateau Petrus, Oliver Styles argues that creating Bordeaux wine is a craft, not an art. It is a fine wine made to please consumers consistently. Styles believes that winemakers such as Moueix look to side-projects if they want to experiment. While they may claim they make the wine they want to make, in Bordeaux the wine they want to make is the wine those looking to buy premium wine want. It’s a chicken or the egg question—read on for Styles’ further musings on the topic.

Related Link: Why Bordeaux is Best Kept Boring

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