Spanish Wine Lovers Necessary Learning

Spanish Wine Lovers Necessary Learning

by Westgarth Wines December 18, 2017

Dominio de Pingus is known for being the acme of modern Spanish winemaking, but how much do you know about it? It is actually named for owner Peter Sisseck’s childhood nickname. He made his first vintage of the Ribera del Duero wine in 1995—after first tasting wine at the age of eight. If you want to buy fine wine made by Sisseck you can also look to Château Rocheyron, Sisseck’s project in Saint-Émilion. Or, if you have budget to spare (and a diving hobby) you could hunt down the bottles at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean—click on through to learn how they landed there!

Related Link: 10 Things Every Wine Lover Should Know About Dominio de Pingus


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